Friday 4 September 2009

Form Over Function

Adidas Shoes

I brought a pair of Adidas shoes which had good aesthetics. They were very bold and striking, and had nice, vibrant colours. Unfortunately because the company made their shoes with a slightly tapered front, this made them uncomfortable to wear for a long while at a time. Also the front of the sole has a bumpy texture which traps mud and is difficult to clean and as some of the shoe is made of a canvas type material dirt also sticks onto it.

The shoe has very good ankle support but this restricts the wearers mobility and doesn't fit with smaller surface area of the front of the shoe, making it feel unstable. This is obviously not great for a shoe made by a sports brand. Even so the shoe would be very comfortable but only if you brought it one or two sizes above your normal shoe size. These shoes cost around about £50 and I did not end up using them as much as I thought I would because of the uncomfortableness of wearing them for to long and the awkwardness of cleaning them if they did get dirty.

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